
Allstar guideliner
Allstar guideliner

Our sports multipage website template includes a variety of pre-designed blocks. Some of the template's multiple features include: It includes a variety of galleries to showcase the photos of your sports team as well as other functional benefits for your website. Our HTML template offers everything you may need for building a trustworthy website. They are designed to completely transform your website. HTML Template with a Rich Selection of FeaturesĪllStar multipage sports website template gives you a wide variety of features. It is a multipage solution for modern sports - AllStar HTML template. Luckily, we have a solution designed just for you. In this case, the most affordable option is to use an HTML template. But it is hardly possible, especially if we talk about small sports teams. It may be a good option only if you have enough money and time. Still, many website owners think about creating a website from scratch first. Especially if you want to create a website for a successful sports team. However, we believe that functionality shouldn't be overlooked. That's why many modern HTML templates are built around stunning design. Nowadays, many website owners want their sites to look great and attractive. With such a solution, you can build a website for a soccer team as well as a news resource. It can be a telling of origins or it can be just a piece of work to connect yourself to the universe.Reliable Sports Multipage Website TemplateĪ sports multipage website template is a powerful solution for any modern sports portal. This is where you introduce your cast, it doesn't have to be anything major.


We want the titles to feel interconnected, we want to know they're in the same universe.Īfter we've given the green-light we'd like each of you to do a single issue in our anthology series "Astonish Tales". Anyway any major conflict affecting these branches should be affecting your titles in some way whether it be major or minor. And finally the MAX branch that currently has Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange. The X-branch which involves X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, Excalibur and Exiles with the future titles of X-Factor, X-Force and Wolverine. There's the hero branch that involves Araña, Avengers and Mighty Avengers, Nova, and Fantastic Four. We need to know your plans for your one-shot and more importantly who you would be using. This of course would be for our Anthology series, which as of now are going to be Astonishing Tales and X-Men Unlimited. We do need to know how long the miniseries will be and information on all the issues. A twelve issue series would be considered a limited series. We do not need twelve issues for a miniseries. So you have to win all of us over which isn't hard. The editor is not the only one who gives the green-light on the series but all of the current writers do. I know it's a lot to ask for but this helps us get a general idea of where you're going. The other writers will be more then happy to discuss sharing characters but if the character is currently involved in an important story line don't get upset if they decide not to allow usage. You cannot use a character from someone's list without asking them. And you'll need the approval of Justin Santos to get in. We'll be posting a link here soon, of course the list is in a writers only section. You'll only find this on our All*Star forums. Of course that doesn't mean you won't find anything you'll just have to look through our dibs list.

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The current writers have already claimed a good deal of characters for their ongoing titles.

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We need to know who you'd be interested in working with.

Allstar guideliner